README [Assembled Genome of mouse MSM/Ms strain version #1: MSMagv1] The first assembled Genome of mouse MSM/Ms strain named gMSMagv1h consists of contigs that made by hybrid de novo assembly using a combination of PacBio and illumina short read data. These are released as unpublished, preliminary and incomplete sequences. MSMagv1 is released in accordance with the Fort Lauderdale guidelines. We, NIG Mammalian Genetics Laboratory, reserve the right to be the first to publish a genome-wide analysis of the data that we have generated. Accession numbers for the related data in the public genome sequence repositories (INSDC) will be made available to the public. This project was supported by gGenome Information Upgrading Program (2016.9 - 2017.3)h of National BioResource Project (NBRP) from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). The project was performed as a mission of the Genetic Resource Center of NIG. (2018/03/21)