Index of /pub/SNP_information
The files in this directory contain the information about locations and spanning lengths of single
and consecutive molossinus and musculus-diagnostic SNPs, which specify each of four subspecies-derived
strains, WSB/EiJ (domesticus), CAST/EiJ (castaneus), PWD/PhJ (musculus), and MSM/Ms (molossinus),
using the combined data of the NIEHS project (K. A. Frazer et al. Nature 448, 1050, 2007) and
the MSM/Ms sequence.
File names are formatted as src_blk_{chromosome}_{strain-name}.xls
Fields are :
source strain: intrgression source strain, MSM(molossinus) or PWD(musculus)
chr. start: start b.p. of introgression block
chr. end: end b.p. of introgression block
block len.: length of introgression block
SNP num.: the number of SNPs that countruct this block
mode: mode of introgression